Black mollinesia is a viviparous aquarium fish with a peaceful disposition and original appearance. The simplicity of keeping this fish make it desirable in the general aquarium.
Synonyms: Black molly, mollinesia velvet.
The wild progenitor of the black velvet mollinesia lives in brackish and fresh waters of the Americas. It is found from Colombia to Mexico.
Black mollinesia is remarkable in many ways. And the first thing that she is remarkable is that in nature there are no such fish.
Mystery of origin
Mollinesia black velvet – is the result of a long laborious work of breeders. Black velvet coloration in these fish appeared as a result of artificial selection carried out by man in a series of many generations. It is also noteworthy that scientists are still arguing about what kind of species laid the beginning of this breed of fish. Some believe that the black mollie came from Mollienesia sphenops, others argue that its ancestor is Mollienisia latipina.

However, some clues can still be found in the literature. In 1925, Jack Bitter bred a black mottled form of Mollienesia sphenops. And eleven years later, Bill Sternke bred the very black velvet mollinesia, which we are now talking about. Another interesting fact from the history of this fish. Appeared in the Soviet Union in 1948, it for three whole years did not have a generally accepted name.
Description of the species Mollinesia black
The most valuable specimens of black velvet mollinesia are completely black and do not have even a gray spot. Even their eyes should be black and not stand out against the background. None of the scales should not shine.
In nature, females mollinesia black velvet reach 12 centimeters, males 8 centimeters. The aquarium form is one and a half times smaller. Males differ from females, as well as in other genera of the family, namely males are smaller and their anal fin is transformed into a gonopodium.
Black Molynezia mollinesia aquarium contents
The inhabitant of indoor aquariums is more demanding to the conditions of content. In particular, black mollinesia does not like to reduce the water temperature below 21 ° C. The next requirement of this fish to water – it prefers harder water than most of the other inhabitants of our aquariums. Optimal water hardness for her dH = 15-25 °. The active reaction of water pH = 7-8,5. Fish very poorly tolerate lack of oxygen. Also do not like old acidic water.
Based on the above, these recommendations should be followed.
It is desirable to have about 10 liters of water per pair of adult fish. It is desirable to maintain water temperature in the range of 24-26 ° C. Mollinesia black – fish gregarious and it is better to keep it a flock of 4-5 females and 3-4 males. It is desirable constant artificial aeration of water. In aquariums without aeration is mandatory weekly water change by ¼. In vented aquariums replace ¼ of the water preferably twice a month.
Also need to take care that the aquarium with a black mollie got direct sunlight for at least a few hours a day. Artificial lighting upper on the spectrum is close to the sun. If the black mollie is contained in a separate aquarium, it is desirable to add to the water 3-5 grams of sea or table (somewhat worse) salt per 1 liter of water. This along with increased water hardness will prevent a number of diseases to which this amazing fish is susceptible.
What to feed?
There are subtleties in feeding mollinesia too. And although it can eat both live food and dry food and it could be called not fastidious, but it is not quite so. Black Molly should never be overfed. And most importantly it needs plant food. Thread algae, leaves of fresh or thawed lettuce finely chopped will quite cover its needs in plant food.
Black Mollinesia captive breeding

The black mollinesia is a viviparous fish. Under good conditions females bring from 20 to 100 fry every 35-40 days. This is how long the pregnancy of mollinesia. Fry mollinesia black-velvet mollinesia are as black as their parents. Among the fry can get and gray fry, which are closer genetically to the natural form. Over time, they also take black coloration, but the eyes can remain light. Sometimes at high temperatures in the aquarium fry can be born prematurely. Therefore, the water temperature should not be increased above 28 ° C. The proximity of the hatching of fry in mollinesias is determined, as well as in other species of the family. Namely – the rounded abdomen of the female takes a slightly square shape. Starting food for fry – live dust, small live daphnia.
Mollinesia compatibility
Mollinesia black peace-loving fish and it can be kept in a common aquarium with species such as pecilias, guppies, swordtails, tetras, danio. Although if you want to seriously engage in breeding, and maybe breeding and selection of this wonderful fish, it is better to arrange a separate aquarium for it.