Heaven’s eye fish


The starfish or heaven’s eye (cho-tengan) is a short-bodied breed of goldfish. It only became known to Europeans at the beginning of the last century. Although Chinese vases with the image of these living wild creatures reached Europe much earlier.

Stargazer fish is difficult to keep not only for the beginner, but also for many experienced hobbyists. However, the matter here is not so much about experience, but about the need for a separate content. In their homeland, varietates were kept by Buddhist monks outside the walls of their temples in flat not high pools. Varietetes are probably one of the most unusual, so they require a lot of attention. As you can see varietet is for a very big amateur or Buddhist monk.

Heaven’s Eye Description

This varietal is considered a stable variety of telescope.The sky eye is a short-bodied form. The length of its body can reach 15 cm. One of the main features of this species is the eyes. The eyes are convex, with the pupil directed upwards. This feature of the fish is captured by one of the legends of Buddhist monks, which says that this arrangement of eyes allows them to face God. Hence one of the names – “Heavenly Eye”, another name is not so lofty, but also quite eloquently describing the features of the varietate – “Stargazer”.

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The eyes should be the same size, and the pupils should be directed in the same direction. Also, this subspecies should not have even a hint of a dorsal fin. Even a small scar on the back greatly devalues the specimen. The tail should have a spade-shaped shape, in addition, it should not exceed the length of the body. The remaining fins should be as short as possible, rounded. All deviations from the above described very strongly devalue the individual. Also more valuable are considered specimens with orange, white or white with orange coloration. They become sexually mature when they reach one year of age.

Heaven’s eye The difference between the sexes

Males from females differ as in other subspecies of Gold fish, namely – the male on the gill coverings after sexual maturation are formed small whitish plaques resembling semolina.

Heaven’s Eye Contents

The Heaven’s Eye is a breed of goldfish far removed from its natural form. The positioning of its eyes makes it impossible for it to fully view the side panorama and the bottom. This can cause feeding difficulties, as well as making this already clumsy creature even more vulnerable. Tibetan monks keep this varietate in ponds or pools. Under our latitudes you can keep it in greenhouse pools. But in winter, they should either be heated, or transferred to aquarium content, as at low temperatures fish stargazer is prone to bacterial diseases. Also at the pond content should take appropriate measures to protect them from cats. Keep them better separate from other fish. Apparently, the species is not easy to keep.

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Объем аквариума

A pair of adult fish can populate a container of about one hundred liters. If the volume is increased, the number of individuals per unit volume can be increased. So a two-hundred-liter pond can be populated with six specimens.


For the ground it is best to use river sand or small well-cut pebbles. No stones with sharp edges or snags with sharp knots should be placed on the bottom.

Plants and the Eye of Heaven

Like all goldfish, the celestial eye likes thickets of plants. Along the back and side windows can be arranged thickets of spiral wallisneria, herringbone pistole, as well will feel good in a cold-water aquarium elodea Canadian.

Water parameters

Starfish is more heat-loving than other breeds of goldfish, but still heat is also tolerated with difficulty. The optimal temperature for it can be considered 18 – 22 degrees Celsius. Water hardness is not essential. When using tap water additional correction of hardness is not necessary. pH – 7.


The Heaven’s Eye loves light and looks better in bright light. If the breed is kept in a pond or greenhouse pool during spring, summer and fall, natural light is sufficient. In winter, in aquarium keeping, additional illumination should be provided by daylight lamps with a total power of 0.5 W/l.


Starfish likes a large amount of dissolved oxygen, and if your reservoir is overpopulated, then additional artificial aeration should be included around the clock.


The same applies to artificial filtration. Heavenly eye likes clean water, so it is necessary to provide at least a mechanical filter to filter out the turbidity. Desirable as well will be the equipment of biological filter. If there is no such opportunity, it is necessary to weekly change one-third of the water to fresh water.

Heaven’s Eye Compatibility

Compatibility, you might say, is nonexistent. These good-natured, clumsy longhorns themselves will not hurt anyone, but they can hurt even many peaceful representatives of the underwater kingdom. Even harmless guppies, can leave them without lunch. And aggressive macropods can deprive them of sight. Bully …

So if you decide to acquire such an outlandish fish, you will have to work hard to create for her normal living conditions and separate content in this case is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Nutrition Heaven’s Eye

It is better to feed with live feed. Moth, trumpet moth, daphnia are eaten with constant appetite. It is only necessary to take into account the peculiarities of vision starfish and give them moths through the feeder that would not all immediately fall to the bottom and your pets had time to pick it up. Dry fodder is also eaten with pleasure, although with some neglect. It is obligatory to feed plant food. Shredded, scalded leaves of lettuce, cabbage, spinach, dandelion, oat flakes. Plant food should make up one quarter of the daily ration. Otherwise, when your hornwort will remain only scraps, blame yourself. There was nothing to save on salad …

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Heaven’s Eye Breeding

Breeding is not difficult and does not differ from other breeds of goldfish. The difficulty here is different. To get Heavenly Eye corresponding to all the norms of the breed is very difficult. Such individuals are obtained only two in a hundred. The rest have these or other flaws devaluing them to a greater or lesser degree. Therefore, the fish stargazer fully compliant with all the requirements of the breed to this day is a rarity and is expensive. Plus, to determine how compliant this specimen meets all the requirements can be determined only when he reaches one year of age.

Starfish, like no other breed of goldfish requires constant attention and care. But nevertheless, if you master all the wisdom of caring for it, you can safely say that you are the owner of a real curiosity called “celestial eye”. After all, despite the fact that the species is known to Europeans for more than a hundred years, it is still a wonder, however, not only in our country, but also in its homeland.

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