Fish Wakin Goldfish – a breed of goldfish, which is considered the forerunner of all goldfish with a split tail. Therefore, to bypass it will simply not be correct. Although because of its size wakin more suitable for keeping in the pond, but if you want to keep and in the aquarium.
The Weiqing is one of the four major breeds in the Chinese tradition. The other types have been described earlier.
- wakin type
- ryukin type
- ranch type
- oranda type
Each of these types includes a number of varietals and in total these varietals now number about three hundred.
Wakin or Japanese goldfish is very popular in Japan and is valued for its bright coloring. And yet its homeland is not Japan, but China, where it is called “King-Yu”. It is also sometimes called “wakin”.
Wakin Goldfish description
Weikin is quite large, the body can reach 30 centimeters in length. In the aquarium, it is usually smaller. The body is less elongated than in long-bodied breeds, but it is still difficult to call it short-bodied. It occupies an intermediate position between long-bodied and short-bodied breeds.
The coloration of the vakin fish is the main advantage of the breed. Colors are very saturated basic colors – red, silver, white. There are also yellow, orange, beige colors. Completely white fish in Japan are not popular. Coloration can be as monochromatic, and be a combination of multicolored spots.
The wakin’s tail is short and almost unremarkable. Except for one peculiarity – it is bifurcated. When first appeared the mutation that led to the appearance of a bifurcated tail is difficult to say. The names of those breeders of antiquity, who noticed this mutation, and managed to fix at the genetic level, we will never learn now. But it was the wakin that gave rise to a whole branch of different breeds with split tails – vualektosti, fan-tails, ranchu, and so on.
Aquarium keeping
Vakin fish can be kept in large aquariums of at least 80 liters for two fish. Like its other closest relatives, king-yu is not lacking in appetite. Feed can be all kinds of live food. She will not refuse and dry food. Vegetable feedings are obligatory.
Japanese goldfish need clean, fresh water rich in oxygen. Therefore, the aquarium should be equipped with a good filter with a capacity of at least three volumes per hour. It is desirable additional aeration of water aquarium compressor.
Once a week, one third of the water must be replaced with fresh, tempered water. Temperature 18 – 22 ° C. Hardness 15 -25 °dH. pH 5,0 – 8,0. The soil of a light shade. You can use sand or small pebbles without sharp edges. Lighting overhead, bright – emphasizing the color of fish.
Wakin Goldfish propagation
It is better to breed wakin in spring in April – May. When the day lengthens and the water becomes warmer by 3-4°C males begin to swim after females keeping close to their ovipositor. This behavior indicates that the producers are ready for spawning.
For breeding fish are selected at the age of about two years. Males wakin differ from females jagged on the first ray of the pelvic fins, small warts on the gill covers, which resemble semolina. The female wakin also has a more rounded abdomen.
Japanese goldfish are very prolific. The female can spawn up to two thousand eggs per spawning. About two weeks before spawning is desirable to separate females from males and feed them intensely during this period. In the spawning tank – an aquarium of one hundred liters, set aside two – three males and one female.
At the edges of the aquarium planted dense thickets of plants, at the bottom of the lay small-leaved plants or spawning net. Water temperature of about 25 ° C. pH about 7. The next day with the first rays of sunlight will begin the race. After the end of spawning, the producers must be removed.
After about three days, larvae will emerge from the eggs, after two more days, they will swim, and then they will need to feed them intensively live dust, nauplii Artemia. As they grow, fry sorted by size and culled not successful.
Basically, the conditions of keeping and breeding kings-yu little different from the usual goldfish. Fish wakin despite its size deserves our attention. Especially since pond fish farming is gaining popularity in our countries. And Japanese goldfish wakin – candidates number one for keeping in ponds and artificial ponds in greenhouses.