Setting up an aquarium for labyrinths fish

Colisa fasciata

The aquarium for labyrinths is not difficult to set up, if you take into account their respiratory physiology and natural habits.

Most labyrinth fish live in shallow, non-flowing water bodies with low dissolved oxygen content. A special organ, the labyrinth, helps them survive in oxygen-poor water.

Water in shallow ponds warms up quite quickly, its temperature often reaches 30 degrees Celsius. In non-current reservoirs with warm water, there is a lot of organic matter, which makes the water turbid. Well oriented in turbid water most of the labyrinth fish help their pelvic fins in the form of tendrils.


Since labyrinth fish can breathe ordinary air, they can be kept in water with a very low oxygen concentration without problems. These fish will not require aeration, so the aquarium for labyrinth fish will be somewhat easier to set up.

When populating the aquarium with labyrinth fish should take into account that not all of them are peaceful. Among several individuals of the same peaceful species are often caught aggressive specimens, so the fish will have to be closely monitored, especially at first.

An aquarium for labyrinth fish should have a cover (or cover glass), as these fish can easily jump out of the tank. Also, the cover will reduce the temperature difference between the air near the surface of the water and the water itself. If the air temperature is much lower than the water temperature, the fish may get sick.


The aquarium with labyrinth fish should be densely planted with plants, and in order for them to grow well, the soil must contain sufficient nutrients. As a soil can be used coarse sand or gravel. In the role of shelters for fish are well suited to various snags, they will also be an excellent decorative element. Some labyrinth fish may require additional shelter in the form of caves made of stones or pots.

Labyrinth fish do not look very beautiful on a light background, so the background for the aquarium should be selected dark. Plants in the aquarium with these fish are needed not only for beauty, dense vegetation will divide the aquarium into zones in which each fish will feel protected. In the thickets of plants will be able to hide and weak fish, as well as females who are pursued by a too active male. When choosing plants pay attention to those species that will grow quickly, and can spread over the surface of the water. For example, such as riccia or cassava. If the water surface will be free of plants, the fish will feel depressed and insecure, and constantly be in a stressful state. Plants floating on the surface of the water will support the nest of the labyrinth fish.

Aquarium for labyrinths Water

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Most labyrinth fish will tolerate normal tap water, but there are species that may require soft and acidic water. Labyrinth fish also require soft and acidified water for breeding.

Water temperature

The water temperature in an aquarium with labyrinth fish should be around 26 degrees. This temperature will suit most labyrinth fish. These fish like old water, frequent water changes are not to their liking. Adding fresh water to the aquarium often leads to fights for territory, calm the fish will help lower the water temperature to 21 degrees.

Aquarium for labyrinths Filtration

Installation of a powerful filter in the aquarium with these fish is not required, and weak models will do. When installing should not forget that labyrinth fish do not like strong currents, so the filter output is desirable to direct to the wall of the aquarium. Aeration in the aquarium with labyrinth fish do not need to install, as it will cause a fairly strong excitement on the surface of the water, and this labyrinth fish also do not like. Aeration may be useful only when growing fry, as up to three weeks old they can not breathe atmospheric air.


The feeder should not be installed in the aquarium, because there are often cases when feeding a large fish takes up all the space under the feeder and does not let other fish there. As a result, the large fish overeats, and other fish remain almost without food.

Popular labyrinth aquarium fish:

  1. Gourami (marbled, pearl, moon)
  2. Macropod
  3. Lalius
  4. Striped koel
  5. Siamese fighting fish

This list is far from exhausted, but here we have mentioned the most popular representatives of labyrinth aquarium fish.

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