
Puntius denisonii

Puntiuses are actually the names of one genus in the numerous carp family, so widely distributed in the natural and artificial water bodies of the planet.

Species composition of the genus Puntiuses

In the collections of amateurs have more than fifty species of barbs: Sumatran, futunio, cherry, Puntius Schubert, green, black, five-striped, fire, oligopelis, arulius, two-pointed. And this enumeration can go on and on. Most species of fish of this genus comes from the reservoirs of South and South-East Asia, a smaller part of the natural conditions frolic in the fresh waters of Central Africa. As a rule, the size of the fish does not exceed 8 cm, the exception is Arulius, which reaches 14 cm. The carp-like body of the fish has a bright coloration and a pleasant pattern.

Puntiuses Conditions


Puntiusa gregarious fish, very mobile, watching their behavior is a great pleasure. Aquarium for barbs need a longer, “panoramic” – here they look better and feel good. Plants should be planted along the back wall, leaving free space near the front glass, where the mobile group will frolic.

Water temperature

барбус вишневый

Puntius like tempered water, rich in oxygen, temperature 25-27C. They are more susceptible to various diseases than fish of other species. Therefore, maintaining the temperature regime of water reduces the risk of disease, preserves the colorful coloration of fish and inherent species traits. It is recommended to change the water in small doses. It is very good to pump it by blowing, imitating the flow regime. For this well suited standard compressor with atomizer and labyrinth filter. Some species of Puntius need to create a flow mode in a mandatory manner.

Feeding recommendations

There are no special requirements with regard to food. Feeding can be usual live food, dry daphnia and gamarus are willingly eaten.

Puntiuses Breeding

вуалевая форма

Breeding is not very difficult. It is necessary to carefully select and fully feed the parental specimens. Males are selected the most colorful and mobile, the abdomen of the female, filled with eggs, should be issued in the direction of the anal fin. On spawning usually choose a female and one or two males, with these features. If there are several females with eggs, the spawning can be let up to five pairs. The capacity of the spawning aquarium in this case is not less than 50 liters.

Water in the spawning tank should have a temperature of 27-28C. Experts recommend that to stimulate spawning add to the aquarium 1/5 of the volume of distilled water, steadied for several days. Slight flow regime in the spawning aquarium is mandatory. If possible, the aquarium is better to illuminate the rays of the morning sun, although spawning is possible and at a later time. To protect the eggs from being eaten, be sure to install a net near the bottom, at a height of up to 7 cm.


During spawning, the fish swim quickly around the aquarium, stopping at the branches of plants. At the same time, the male strikes the side of the abdomen of the female, the eggs are ejected and fertilized. Therefore, plants in the spawning ground are selected not lush, so that the eggs are not glued to the twigs, and fell to the bottom under the net. The process should be monitored, not taking part in the spawning of females and males immediately removed, so that they do not eat falling eggs.


After 24 hours, the larvae hatch from the fertilized eggs. Since the eggs of most species of barbs are very small, the larvae are also slightly visible. They hide near plants, but after five days will be clearly visible fry in search of food. Feed them best infusoria, rotifers, egg yolk (prepared in the usual way), “organic dust”. Later transferred to feeding larger food (small cyclops, daphnia). Young barbs, as usual, kept separately.

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