

The ancistrus catfish is quite a funny creature. Unlike some other catfish, the ancistrus is constantly on the move and likes areas with a fast water current.

  • kingdom: Animals
  • Type: Chordates
  • Subtype: Vertebrates
  • Class: Bony fish
  • Subclass: Radial fish
  • Squad: Catfish
  • Family: Ringed catfish
  • Rod: Ancister catfish
  • View: Blue antsy catfish

Latin: Ancistrus dolichopterus

The ancistrus inhabits Amazon tributaries with fast-flowing waters.

In aquarium conditions, males reach a length of about thirteen centimeters. Females are usually somewhat more modest in size. The body of the ancistrus is flattened in the upper-lower direction. The head is relatively large. Has a lower large mouth with thick rollers on the edges forming a suction cup, thanks to which the fish can exist in reservoirs with a rapid water flow.

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This suction cup catfish can attach to rocks on the bottom of the river, staying in place despite the raging stream around him. On the mouth sucker there are also horny outgrowths, with the help of which the ancistrus scrapes off rocks, leaves of plants algae. In natural conditions, this is one of the main food for this species. The color of the body is gray with spots also gray, but of a different shade. Male and female are relatively easy to distinguish by horn-like outgrowths on the head. In males these outgrowths are longer, more vividly expressed. In females, the outgrowths are either absent or much weaker.

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Ancistrus in an aquarium

The ancistrus is a relatively simple fish to keep. It can be kept in a common aquarium with any other peaceful species. The bottom is desirable to arrange sandy. Sandy background is still desirable to decorate a few stones of large sizes with pelletized surface. Also should be equipped with several secluded screens and gorges in which catfish could sit quietly when they are tired of the society of neighbors in the dormitory.

Plants can be chosen any to your liking with suitable conditions. Of other species of fish as already mentioned, you can also choose any peaceful fish with appropriate requirements for water parameters. Only if these neighbors were peaceful enough to themselves do not bully catfish. And then the catfish will pretend that they do not notice the neighbors at all.

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The water should have a temperature of twenty-two to twenty-four degrees Celsius. Hydrogen rating at 6.8 to 7.3. Hardness up to twenty degrees.

Ancistrus What to feed?

Feeding antsistrus in the aquarium picking up the remains of food and fallen parts of plants. That is, they are sanitizers of the aquarium, cleaning it from organic residues. In addition to “underfoot” food, which the ancistrus themselves find on the bottom, they should definitely be fed scalded with boiling water cut salad leaves, nettles and other herbs. You can try to diversify their diet with porridge, oatmeal. They may also like dry vegetable fodder that is slightly mashed.

Additional aeration is highly desirable. In addition, very welcome antsistrusa enhanced water flow created by filters and pumps. It should only be borne in mind that antsistrusa in search of fast water current can climb inside the filter or pump and not finding an exit from there can die there. Therefore, it should be output channels of filters located above the water, if it is possible to constructively. If not, then it is necessary to close the outlet pipes of filters and pumps with fine mesh, so that they did not swim into them any curious fish.

Captive breeding

If there are no predatory or aggressive fish in the aquarium, the ancistrus can breed in a common aquarium. But if you still decide to breed ancistrus according to all the rules, it is better to equip them with a separate spawning ground.

A vessel with a capacity of about 30 liters is suitable for it. Preferably trough-shaped. The water temperature should be about 25 – 26 degrees Celsius. The acidity is about 7.5. Hardness up to 8 degrees.

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Several caves should be provided on the bottom, which can be made using ceramic or plastic pipes of suitable size or an unused pottery pot with an entrance hole on the side. Not far from the entrances to the caves should necessarily be placed additional atomizers of air from the compressor. They will aerate the water and create an additional water current.

On spawning can be planted as a pair – male and female, and several females on one male.

Spawning stimulation

Stimulate spawning can be intensive water change to fresh tempered water of the same temperature, with suitable hardness and acidity.

When the fish find the conditions suitable, the female will lay in one of the caves from fifty to a hundred large – up to three millimeters in diameter light yellow transparent eggs. Which will hang from the walls of the cave in bunches. The male will fertilize them. After spawning, the female will go about her business. She can be removed. And the male will remain to guard the clutch. At the same time, he will create an additional water current around the eggs, waving his fins near them.

Hatching occurs on the sixth day after spawning. The fry are relatively large – up to five millimeters. And in another week they will reach the size of 10 – 12 millimeters. Fry can be fed live dust, small cyclops, nauplii artemia. As they grow, they can be given larger feed.

This is such a wonderful fish ancistrus is found in the waters of the tributaries of the Amazon. And if you want, it will settle in your common aquarium and bring you many pleasant moments.

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