Keeping Cyprinodontidae

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Keeping Cyprinodontidae is by and large not a difficult task. But it requires patience, care and knowledge about the living conditions of a particular species in nature.

Give any general recommendations for all species included in the carpozubyh family is not possible. But nevertheless, some of the subtleties told by fans of these fish on the pages of books on aquaristics is worth knowing.

As we have already pointed out in previous articles, representatives of this family inhabit almost every corner of our planet. Therefore, their keeping conditions differ, as well as climatic conditions in the places of their natural habitat.

Only general recommendations can be given here, which may nevertheless prove useful to the novice carp catcher.

Most of the species kept behind the aquarium glass today are natives of Africa. These are usually small fish from 2 to 5 centimeters.

Keeping Cyprinodontidae Aquarium size

Therefore, it would seem that they need a small aquarium. Yes, some aquarists keep producers in separate containers, each of which has a volume of about three liters. In this case, it is necessary to select containers that have a trough-shaped form. Such a fish farm can be located on a specially assembled rack or even in an ordinary closet. It is necessary to provide heating for each container, as well as desirable additional aeration. However, the volume of additional aeration is small, so it may well be enough one compressor of medium capacity. Air from it is distributed with the help of additional hoses and tees.

A battery of cans?

Carpozooba are mostly very poorly tolerant of nitrates and nitrites in the water. Therefore, it is obligatory to change one third of the water with fresh, tempered or boiled water. Not once a week, but every day. For hard-working and has time aquarist it is not a problem. But for a hobbyist engaged in aquaristics in addition to his main work, it can be quite a challenge. Changing part of the water in a dozen small aquariums can be a time-consuming procedure.

In addition to the complexity of care for such a farm, there are also disadvantages of comfort for fish. Experienced amateurs note that gregarious fish, finding themselves alone in a small volume of water, become fearful and irritable. Live as if in a state of constant stress. Territorial fish become aggressive. The male may even beat the female to death.

Or is it a decorative aquarium?

Among other disadvantages, such a cabinet with a battery of cans is quite difficult to design so that it becomes a worthy decoration of the living room.

Therefore, such an organization of home aquarium farm, to keep carpozubyh, can be recommended only if you decide to engage in breeding work. Or want to get offspring from particularly beautiful specimens of producers.

In all other cases, namely decorative content and conventional breeding is better to keep these fish in an aquarium of slightly larger sizes. For one to two males it is desirable to have 3-6 females, such a ratio of sexes somewhat reduces the aggressiveness of males. This number of fish may well be kept together in twenty – twenty-five liters. The best kind of soil for an aquarium with carpozubami is sand or well boiled peat. Sometimes you can do without soil at all. True in this case, you should take care that the bottom was dark in color. Then the fish will feel calmer.

Keeping Cyprinodontidae Plants

For territorial species is better that the aquarium was low, at the bottom should be equipped with several shelters. The role of shelters, by the way, can perform and plants. In addition to the decorative function and providing shelter for weak individuals plants are also spawning substrate for many species of the carp family. The best plants for this purpose are Javan moss and Thai fern.

On the surface of the water you can release a bunch of riccia, cassava and fern. In the first place, these plants shade the overhead lighting, which also contributes to the comfortable existence of fish. In the second floating on the water surface plants are a great refuge for fry. Among the leaf plates of riccia fry most species of carpozubyh feel completely safe. In addition, in the thick layer of riccia or in the roots of cassava breed in large numbers of infusoria, which are excellent food for fry in the early stages of their development.

All of the above is true not only for territorial, but also for gregarious carp. The only difference is, perhaps, that for them should take an aquarium more oblong. Thickets of plants to arrange near the side and rear glass. Leaving enough room for swimming.

It is desirable to cover the top of the aquarium with a lid or glass, as the fish can sometimes jump out, demonstrating the wonders of acrobatics.

Keeping Cyprinodontidae What kind of water do I need?

Water for keeping can be and tap water, as in most settlements in our latitudes tap water has a hardness of about 8-10 degrees. During the breeding period, it is still better to make the water more soft by adding to the aquarium about half of boiled water. It should only be remembered that boiled water contains a reduced amount of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, boiled cooled water should be aerated for at least two hours. Only after that it can be poured into the aquarium with producers.

If necessary, the water can be acidified with a few drops of orthophosphoric acid. In this case, the pH should be monitored using indicator strips. In general, most species of this family feel satisfactory in water with a neutral reaction of the medium. Water temperature can be kept at room temperature. If you need to heat the water, it is better to equip the aquarium heater with a thermostat.

If you decide to keep fish living in brackish waters, the water for them must be salted. Experienced carp breeders recommend using sea salt for this purpose. You can also use food salt extra. It is better finely ground. Concentration of salt from one teaspoon to one tablespoon per ten liters of water.

What to feed?

It is desirable to feed carpods with live feed. Suitable for this purpose live daphnia, small artemia, insects that you can catch. Many species are able to adapt to take food from the bottom. Then their diet can be diversified with small moths or cut tubeworm. And species larger you can try to give even finely chopped earthworms. In any case, it is necessary to observe your pets, and they themselves by their behavior will tell you what kind of food they liked more.

These are very general recommendations for the maintenance of species belonging to the carp family.

More specific recommendations can be found in articles dedicated to a particular species. However, due to the reasons described in previous articles, you may not find information on your favorite fish. Then you will need your observation and knowledge of general recommendations on the content of carpozubyh. I hope this article will answer many questions that arise in novice lovers of the carpozubyh family. And the rest will come with experience 😉

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