Carpozoans (Lat.: Cyprinodontidae) are distributed on all continents. The only exceptions are Australia and Antarctica. Most species inhabit tropical and subtropical belts. Some species occupy more northern latitudes, up to 50 degrees (New Land, Labrador).
- Domain: Eukaryotes
- kingdom: Animals
- Type: Chordates
- Class: Radial fish
- Squad: Carpozoan
- Family: Carpozoans
The first species of this family – Fundulus heteroclites (Cobitis heteroclites) was described in 1766 by Carl Linnaeus. Then species known by 1803 were united into two genera Fundulus and Cyprinodon. In 1895 Gunther described the family. In 1924 Mayer distinguished the genus Aphyosemion.
This is only a small part of the history of attempts to systematize the representatives of this family. As indicated above, carpozoobae are distributed in almost all corners of the planet. This, in turn, speaks about the great adaptability of representatives of this family. The diversity of habitats makes it difficult, or rather impossible to make any attempt to give any general recommendations for keeping in aquarium conditions of these fish. There are among them and cold-loving species that can withstand temperature drops to 0 degrees Celsius. And there are also fans of heat, with difficulty tolerating a drop in temperature to 22 degrees.
The size of the fish is also variable. Within the family there are dwarfs, not exceeding in their size of two centimeters and giants, by aquarium standards, which can reach a length of twenty centimeters.
Repeated attempts to put the systematics of these fishes in order have not been successful so far. Even the analysis of the gene apparatus does not give a clear picture of systematic groups and genera. This is due to many reasons and, first of all, with the ease of their interspecific crossing. However, it is this feature that contributes to their adaptability and spread around the world much more widely than representatives of other families and groups.

Despite the difficulties experienced by ichthyologists, trying, as – any to name a new species, the fish of this family are very interesting objects for keeping them in amateur aquariums. This is facilitated by unpretentiousness, bright coloration (mainly males), interesting features of the physiology of these fish.
Carpozoans Suppressing aggression in the aquarium
There are some difficulties, though, namely. Aggressiveness. Yes, males do have it. However, males are trying to prove that they are males not only in these fish. In the case of fish, man has learned to create conditions to nullify this behavior. For one male should be three or four females. The aquarium should be densely planted with plants. At the bottom should be organized shelter for more peaceful individuals in the form of caves, grottos, rocks.
Another disadvantage is that most species of this family have a life expectancy of less than two years. And if you do not breed fish, then every time you have to buy new pets.
Carpozoans Aquarium size
For many carpozuby enough aquarium 10 – 20 liters. Some will say that this is a disadvantage, say, in a small aquarium is difficult to maintain biological balance. But even a large aquarium with insufficient enthusiasm can be turned into a swamp.
For others, the small volume required by these fish can be a deciding factor in deciding to keep these fish.

And yet the representatives of carpozuby are very interesting for the amateur aquarist. As already mentioned, the conditions of keeping these fish vary as much as their habitats in the wild. Therefore, for the correct maintenance of a species must be studied exactly this species, its habitat, physiology of survival and reproduction in conditions in which other organisms often can not survive.
Diversity of species and lack of information about them
This is another difficulty. The fact is that in our country carpozoites are relatively poorly distributed. This is due to many reasons. One way or another, buying one or another species of carpozubyh should first find the maximum possible amount of information on the species that you want to keep. Study it. In this case, perhaps over time will help you this site. If you are already a follower of these fish, then perhaps you will find something to share with the readers of this site.
It is also possible that you will not find any information on the species you have. Then there is only one way in. To find out if possible the exact habitat of the species and try to create conditions close to natural in those places native to which is your fish.
At the end of this small and far incomplete article, we note only that the family of Carpozoans 9 subfamilies, including 30 genera, containing about 500 species. And they are worth it to have at least an idea about them.