Costiosis in aquarium fish is by nature a parasitic pathology of fish, the causative agent of which is Costia necatris. This protozoan is considered to be the most dangerous of all ectoparasites affecting the gills and skin of aquarium inhabitants.
The causative agent of Costiosis enters the aquarium together with live food, soil and plants. For this reason, experienced aquarists recommend that all items should be properly treated and disinfected before placing them in a common aquarium. You should also have your own equipment for each individual aquarium, rather than using a common one.
The most favorable environment for the development of costeiosis is aquarium water with a temperature close to 30 degrees Celsius. However, this flagellate can easily survive the most unfavorable conditions by forming a resistant cyst.
Costiosis can be considered a fatal pathology for fry and fish weakened for various reasons. Also the disease ends fatally for the inhabitants of the aquarium, which are kept in violation of the rules of zoohygiene. At the same time, if the fish are healthy and kept in fresh, well-aerated water, costiasis proceeds without any complications, and recovery comes relatively quickly.
Costiosis is symptomatic
Aquarist should pay special attention to the fish, if they suddenly begin to rub the surface of the body on the plants and equipment in the aquarium or for unknown reasons stopped eating. The fact that fixed on the body of the parasite provokes local irritation, which causes excessive production of mucus. Such local foci are clearly visible to the naked eye and initially have the appearance of grayish spots, which after some time merge into a solid cover.
If a secondary fungal infection occurs in the area affected by the causative agent of costeiosis, signs of tissue erosion can often be seen, which is a dangerous symptom. Especially fraught with consequences such phenomena on the gills, because in this case the fish experiences oxygen deprivation and is forced to often and for long periods of time to swallow atmospheric air with the mouth. In this case, emergency treatment is required.
Treatment of ossification
After making an accurate diagnosis, sick fish should be transferred to a separate container, where they are exposed to methylene blue or malachite green. General aquarium can be left without additional treatment, because, deprived of a host, pathogenic flagellates will die in it in less than a day.