Myriophyllum elatinoides

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Myriophyllum elatinoides named so for the similarity of its pinnate strongly dissected leaves with needles very unpretentious and undemanding species. Urruta can be kept in cold-water aquariums. It will create a background of lush emerald thickets, while being a wonderful shelter for fry of viviparous fish, as well as a substrate for spawning spawning eggs.

Produces a lot of oxygen. Recommended for decorating aquariums with viviparous fish. Deserves the attention of both novice amateurs and professional aquadecorators. Its fluffy thickets serve as a wonderful background for many species of fish. Planted in the foreground of a large aquarium will create an additional illusion of volume and depth.

biological domainNuclear (Eukaryota)
biological kingdomGreen plants (Viridiplantae)
Biological DivisionHigher plants (Streptophyta)
biological orderSaxifragales
biological FamilyHaloragaceae
biological genusMyriophyllum
biological speciesMyriophyllum elatinoides

Synonyms: spruceleaf duckweed, pinniped pinniped

Latin: myriophyllum elatinoides

Habitat.: Poynail peristyle grows in cold clear lakes of New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Mexico. It is also found in the northern parts of Brazil.

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Перистолистник елочный

Myriophyllum elatinoides description

Myriophyllum elatinoides is the highest plant with a lobe root consisting of intertwined delicate thin roots. Stem shoots branch from the root. The stem is hollow and can reach one and a half meters in length. Floats freely under water. Cuttings are much shorter than the leaves. Leaves are pinnate, strongly dissected. Up to five centimeters long. Reminiscent of pine needles to which the species owes one of its names.

The whorl contains three to five leaves. Leaf color can range from light green to bluish green. The whorls are not evenly spaced. It blooms quite rarely. Forms a spike-like inflorescence, rising above the surface by two to two and a half centimeters. It is pollinated by wind, occasionally by insects. After flowering, the inflorescence sinks under water, forming overwintering buds – turions, which are organs of vegetative reproduction. Having overwintered, they give rise to a new plant when the temperature rises.

Application, function

Best planted in the background as a backdrop. Plant in groups, but not very densely. Neighbors should not shade each other, so that the light reaches the lower tiers.

In addition to providing a great backdrop, is a plant food for some fish. It can serve as a good substrate for spawning of spawning fish. Provides a safe shelter for newborn fry of viviparous fish. In its thickets also multiply microorganisms, small insects that destroy algae. Produces a large amount of oxygen, well enriching the water with it.

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Перистолистник елочный

Myriophyllum elatinoides Aquarium maintenance

In the maintenance of herringbone uruta is not difficult. It is an unpretentious species. Urrut will please you with its magnificent appearance with little time and effort to care for it. It does not need special fertilizers or CO2 feedings. Although it grows better and looks more lush with them, it also grows well without all these excesses.

Myriophyllum elatinoides does well in tall vessels. Thanks to its flexible long stem, it can float in the water column at low water levels, and when space permits, it assumes an upright position. It feels better if the container is not heated.


The best soil is coarse gray river sand with medium siltation. The layer of soil is about five centimeters. If the bottom is covered with other soil, e.g. gravel, the povonichnose pistole should be planted in pots filled with coarse sand.

Habitat parameters

Urruta likes a clean, transparent environment. Therefore, the aquarium should be equipped with a powerful filter, which would filter out turbidity. If this is not done suspended particles will settle on the thin leaves, as a result of which uruta herringbone, deprived of light and nutrition will simply die. It is very desirable weekly change of one third of the water to a fresh tempered. Illuminate better fluorescent lamps LB. Lighting should be medium brightness. The total power of 0.4 W / L. Hardness can be up to 12 °dH. Greater amounts of salts are tolerated with difficulty. The optimal temperature is 18 to 20 ° C. Acidity 5.5 to 8.

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Перистолистник елочный

Myriophyllum elatinoides Nutrition

Myriophyllum elatinoides is unpretentious. Undemanding to nutrition. Can give lush greenery using those nutrients that get into the aquarium with fish food and weekly water changes. You can put a small piece of clay under the bush. The most lush greenery gives when using special fertilizers and feeding CO2.

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Перистолистник елочный

Myriophyllum elatinoides Breeding

It is propagated by cuttings. When the stem reaches a length of about forty centimeters, several upper whorls can be carefully cut off with scissors. Povoynichnyky peristyle left after this procedure can begin to actively branch. That will give it an even more decorative look. A section of the stem separated from the main plant should be let float freely for two to three weeks.

After that, it can be planted in a permanent place, sprinkling the lower one to two whorls with sand. At the bottom of the hole prepared for planting it is desirable to put a small piece of clay. Very soon around the whorls immersed in the soil, roots will form. Myriophyllum elatinoides will take root. After that it will start to grow quite quickly.

The herringbone peristyle due to its unpretentiousness can be recommended to beginners. Since uruta herringbone cold-loving it is desirable to use it to decorate ponds with cold-water fish. For example, most breeds of goldfish. It is also possible to use the plant povoynichkovy pistolistochnikovy in ponds or pools. Its thickets will revitalize as a room aquarium, and greenhouse pool.

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