Barbus conchonius

Barbus conchonius

Barbus conchonius is an aquarium fish belonging to the numerous genus Barbus. Like most representatives of the genus is a very beautiful species. Just as mobile, peaceful feels better in a flock of 6 – 10 individuals. Very popular fish among aquarists around the world.

For the first time in Europe was imported around 1903, in Russia appeared in 1920. Barbus fiery – one of the most viable and unpretentious species of aquarium fish.As it is easy to breed. His peaceful disposition makes it possible to keep him with other species. All this allows you to recommend it for content novice aquarists. However, having fallen in love with this fish, you will keep it for many years, even when you become an experienced aquarist.

speciesBarbus conchonius

Synonyms, names in other languages: Огненный барбус, Barbus conchonius(Lat.)

Habitat.: In the wild, Barbus conchonius inhabits standing or slow-flowing water bodies in Bangladesh, northeastern India, and some other regions of Southeast Asia.

Barbus conchonius description

First described by Hamilton and Buchanan in 1822.

Body oblong, oval in shape, flattened from sides. There are no antennae. In the wild it can reach rather large size. Body length can reach up to 15 centimeters in adults. Under aquarium living conditions, its length rarely exceeds 6 – 8 centimeters. The male has a bright flame coloration of the body, due to which the species received its name. The back is olive.

At the base of the caudal fin there is a black rounded spot with a golden border. The fins are orange in color. The apex of the dorsal fin may have a black border. The caudal fin is fork-shaped. Life expectancy is about five years. Sexual maturity is reached after 8 months of life.

Barbus conchonius Sex Differences

It is not difficult to distinguish the male from the female in this fish. The female has a more rounded abdomen, strongly increasing when she is ready to spawn. As well as the color of the female olive or even closer to silver. The male as already indicated, has a fiery coloration, which in the period of excitement or spawning becomes bright red.

барбус огненный
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Barbus conchonius aquarium maintenance

For a flock of 6 – 10 fish you need an oblong aquarium of 60 liters or more. Since the fish can jump out, a lid or at least glass to cover the aquarium is mandatory. Soil of a dark shade. Fine fraction. You can use coarse river sand, fine granite crumbs.

It is desirable to use small-leaved plants. They should be planted along the back and side walls. At the same time, it is necessary to leave enough space for swimming along the front wall of the aquarium.

This fish can withstand a short-term decrease in temperature down to 10°C. But the optimal holding temperature is 18 to 22°C. Tolerates hardness fluctuations from 4 to 18°dH. Tolerate the middle of this range. Better pH = 6.5-7.5.

The overhead lighting is not too bright. Approximately 0.25 W/l. It is better to use daylight lamps LB. Obligatory filtration with artificial aeration of water.

Barbus conchonius Compatibility

As already mentioned fish peaceful, easy to get along with any other species with similar conditions of content. The only limitation, as well as for other representatives of the genus – they should not be kept with slow fish, possessing veil fins to which Barbus conchonius may not show a healthy interest.


Barbus conchonius eats any kind of live food. Moth, pipefish, bark, daphnia, cyclops. Feeding with plant food is highly desirable. Algae, chopped and scalded with boiling water lettuce leaves, cabbage, dandelion. With a lack of plant food fish begin to pluck aquarium plants.

Barbus conchonius breeding

Approximately one week before spawning, males should be separated from females and kept separately. During this period, producers should be fed abundant live feed with the mandatory addition of plant food.

For spawning you need an aquarium of about fifty liters. The water should be fresh tempered soft water. Soft water stimulates the beginning of spawning. Therefore, it is desirable to lower the water hardness to 4 – 6 °dH. You can do this in one of the ways described in the article “How to eliminate water hardness at home?”. pH = 7. Its level should be about 15 centimeters.

A separator mesh is placed on the bottom of the aquarium. The size of the mesh is about 3 – 5 mm. So that the eggs are free to pass through the mesh and fall to the bottom. This will prevent the eggs from being eaten. Instead of mesh can be used laid on the bottom, pressed slightly stones small-leaved plants. As a last resort, a “tangle” of nylon fishing line is used. The fishing line should be at least 1 millimeter thick.

Lighting of the spawning ground should not be bright. Low-current artificial aeration is mandatory. Since the air current in one point should be relatively weak, it is desirable to equip several points of air supply.


In the tank prepared in this way, the breeders are planted in the evening. Usually two males are taken for one female. It is possible to plant for spawning two females and four males. The temperature should be the same as in the vessels, which until this moment were males and females. Now the regulator thermoregulator set to a temperature of 24 – 26 ° C. Water will gradually warm up to the desired temperature. And in the morning of the next day will begin spawning.

The race lasts for several hours. During this time, one female hatches 300 – 600 eggs. After the end of spawning adult fish should be removed. Half of the water is replaced with fresh water tempered with the same temperature. The aquarium is desirable to shade.

Incubation lasts about two days. And after another three to four days, the fry will swim and begin to feed. Feed better live feed. They are suitable infusoria, nauplii artemia, live dust.

вуалевая форма

The fry have an excellent appetite. They grow quickly. As they grow, they are moved to larger feeds. Add plant food to their diet. Place them in larger housing.

Barbus conchonius is a very beautiful, unpretentious and grateful fish. If the basic rules of keeping practically does not get sick. Breeds relatively easily. There is a voile variety, which looks even more spectacular. On the conditions of content, diet, rules of breeding Barbus conchonius vuale practically does not differ from the simple form. Barbus fiery voile in nature is not found and is obtained by artificial selection. Barbus fiery voile, as well as its simple form will revitalize and decorate any aquarium. And will bring a lot of pleasure, both novice aquarists and experienced.

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