Cherry barb


Cherry barb is a beautiful, bright, peaceful, unpretentious fish. Known to aquarists about fifty years. In Europe got in 1936. In the USSR imported in 1956. The Soviet aquarists had a rich experience in keeping and breeding representatives of the genus Barbus. And although the cherry barb has a number of features that should be observed for its reproduction, in the Soviet Union from this fish was quickly obtained a litter and it was bred in large quantities. Its peaceful disposition and unpretentiousness make it suitable for keeping novice aquarists as, in general, and in the species aquarium.

classBony fish
speciesCherry barb

Latin name: Barbus titteya

It was described by Deraniyagala in 1929.

Cherry barb habitat

Обитают в медленно текущих не глубоких ручьях Шри-Ланки и в частности Цейлона. Предпочитают места, затененные и густо заросшие растениями. Красота рыбки стала ее проклятием. Погоня за наживой подстегиваемая популярностью вида у аквариумистов на европейском континенте привела к резкому сокращению численности популяции в естественных местах обитания. На сегодняшний день вид занесен в красную книгу. В Азии организовано несколько питомников занимающихся восстановлением численности популяции этого вида в дикой природе.

барбус вишневый
барбус вишневый

Cherry barb description

It has an oblong body slightly flattened from the sides, up to 4 centimeters long. On the upper jaw has a pair of antennae. The fins are bright red anal and dorsal fins have black edging. The body of the male has a bright red coloration. The intensity of which is higher in good conditions and during the breeding season. The caudal fin is two-lobed. The iris eye is silvery red. The lateral line is short marked with black dots on the scales, often merging into a solid line.

барбус вишневый
барбус вишневый (самец и самка)

Fish are quite fearful. And at the slightest danger prefer to hide in secluded places in the thickets of plants. Also young individuals prefer to stay in a flock of 7-10 members. Held mainly in the middle layers of water. In aquarium conditions live 3-4 years. Sexual maturity is reached by 6 – 8 months. The female from the male can be distinguished by color. In particular, her body is often silvery olive, fins yellow. She also has a less intense coloration.

Aquarium maintenance

For a flock of 6 -10 individuals suitable aquarium volume of about 50 liters. Preferably oblong in shape.

барбус вишневый

The soil should be of a dark shade. Coarse gray river sand or fine granite crumbs are suitable. The aquarium should be densely planted with small-leaved plants. Lighting overhead is not too bright. In bright light fish become fearful and sedentary. The chemical composition of water for content does not play a special role. Optimal temperature of 20 – 22 ° C. Prefer water old. Nevertheless, once a week it is desirable to change the water in the aquarium fresh, but in small portions. No more than one-fifth of a part.

It is better to feed with live feed. Can eat and moth, but in order to color was bright and saturated periodically should be fed live crustaceans – daphnia, cyclops. Need as well plant feedings (crushed scalded leaves of lettuce, cabbage, spinach). Cherry barbous cherry fish peaceful. It can be kept with any other species similar to the conditions of content. The main thing to pick them up such neighbors who would not strongly bully them and do not take them for food. The best neighbors for them neons, danio rerio.

Cherry barb breeding

For breeding it is better to use an all-glass or frameless oblong aquarium. Volume from 15 liters. Water level up to twenty centimeters. As a soil is better to use coarse river sand. In the center of the spawning ground must necessarily be a bush of small-leaved plants. Cherry barbs hatch eggs on the lower surface of the leaf plate of plants. The eggs are attached to the leaves with the help of mucus. But it is not too firmly held there.

A slight push is enough for the eggs to rain to the bottom. Therefore, the separator mesh on the bottom will not be superfluous. Fish do not touch the eggs stuck to the plants, but can eat eggs that fell to the bottom. Water in the spawning ground should have a temperature of 24-26 ° C. Hardness up to 8 °dH. Water hardness is lowered by diluting it with distilled water (Determine the hardness). pH=7.

барбус вишневый
барбус вишневый

Two weeks before spawning, males and females are separated and abundantly fed live feed. Feeding with plant food is highly desirable. For one female usually take two males. After all preparatory work will be completed in the spawning tank placed first female and then an hour after two males. On the temperature regulator set 26 ° C. It is not allowed to get into the spawning tank direct sunlight. In the morning of the next day spawning will begin.


The male and female circle continuously for two to three hours around the favored plant bush. The female hatch one to two eggs on the lower surface of the leaves, and the male immediately fertilizes them. During the spawning female can throw out from 150 to 300 eggs. After spawning, the spawners must be removed from the spawning ground.

Incubation lasts about one day. And after two to three days, the fry will swim and begin to feed. Starter lump for them live dust, infusoria, nauplii Artemia. Cannibalism among the fry is not observed. As they grow, it is desirable to transfer them to a larger aquarium. Gradually lowering the temperature and increasing water hardness to values suitable for adult fish.

Cherry barb deserves the closest attention from aquarists, both beginners and experienced. And its deplorable situation in natural habitats due to gore – nature lovers, makes its maintenance and breeding in captivity is not only pleasant, but also necessary. Breeding it in a home aquarium, you thereby reduce the need for its prey in the wild. And thus contribute to the conservation of the species. And the species is so interesting and beautiful that will give you many pleasant moments when watching it.

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