Schubert Barbus


Schubert Barbus is known in our country from about the middle of the last century. Since then, he has gained fame as a very unpretentious and exceptionally beautiful fish. Thanks to what enjoys the constant love of many generations of aquarists. Golden coloration, cheerful mobile temperament give it a special, unique, inherent only to her alone charm.

It is also unusual in that it is not found in nature and was bred in aquarium conditions by Tom Schubert. By the same man it was first described. And rightfully bears his name. Very unpretentious and easy to breed. Can be recommended for content novice aquarists. Although both experienced amateurs and professionals get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with her.

It is not found in the wild. Although several times there were reports that Schubert’s barb inhabits rivers and streams in South Asia.

Schubert’s barbus description

is a color mutation of the green barb. The trait is fixed to the ability, steadily transmitted to offspring American aquarist Tom Schubert. He also described and has the corresponding name.

барбус шуберта
барбус шуберта

Body flattened from the sides, moderately elongated in length. Reaches seven, rarely ten centimeters. It has one pair of antennae. Coloration is from yellow-lemon to yellow-red, more often yellow-orange. Along the entire body is a greenish band with black spots on it. In females, the pattern of black spots is often absent. At the base of the caudal fin there is a black spot of varying intensity. The fins have pinkish coloration. Sometimes the intensity of the color is large, up to a bright red shade. The tail is fork-shaped.

In Russia, this species first appeared in 1956. And since then it has won the love of many generations of aquarists.

Schubert Barbus Gender Differences

Sexual maturity is reached at the age of eight to eleven months. There are no obvious differences between the sexes. Males

are slightly slimmer, a little shallower and have a greater intensity of coloration than females. However, if you engage in the maintenance and breeding of barbs Schubert. Then after some time you will unmistakably distinguish males from females and select good pairs for spawning.

Schubert Barbus aquarium maintenance

Keep better, like other barbs in flocks of 10 individuals. Then in the aquarium formed a full flock with an optimal ratio of males and females. Buy better small fish sizes 2-2.5 centimeters. In loneliness feels very uncomfortable. Aquarium is better elongated in length. Centimeters 60 – 80. Although you can and a half to twice as long. So that there was a place to swim enough. The height of the reservoir does not play a significant role. Twenty-five to thirty centimeters will be quite enough. The volume of the reservoir is about one hundred liters. It is desirable to cover it with a lid or glass.

Water parameters

The chemical composition of the water is of no particular importance. Hardness from 10 to 20°dH. pH= 6,5 – 7,5. The optimal temperature is 18 to 23°C. In the literature there are mentions that in Western Europe they are kept in pools together with goldfish and koi carp. And that they tolerate a temperature of 10 ° C without problems. But in our latitudes so it is better not to experiment. Although this possibility should also be kept in mind, but before the onset of autumn frosts fish should definitely be transferred to the aquarium.

барбус шуберта
барбус шуберта

It is desirable to provide filtration and additional artificial aeration. Replace one-fifth of the water with fresh, tempered water once a week.

With the lighting aquarium will have to fiddle until you find the best. Too bright discolors fish too weak will make the underwater landscape dull and not interesting. The best results are usually obtained with daylight lamps LB total power of 0.2 – 0.3 W / square decimeter of water surface. Tubes of lamps are better to place along and near the front glass. This will allow you to observe the fish in the reflected light. Rear background and ground should be kept in dark colors – brown, green, blue. As a ground suitable granite crumb fraction of 4-6 mm. It is desirable to choose low-growing and shade-harvesting plants (cryptocoryne, anubias).

Schubert Barbus Compatibility

A gregarious, peaceful fish. But because of the great mobility is not recommended to contain with species that have long veil fins. Played, accelerated, caught in this veil or grabbed it with his mouth, barbs can cut it off. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. Can be kept with any peaceful species with similar conditions.


Schubert’s Barbus eat any kind of food. Live – moths, pipefish, enchitrei (carefully – leads to obesity). Vegetable feed – fine-leaved algae, chopped and scalded with boiling water lettuce and cabbage leaves. He eats and finely grated cottage cheese. And all kinds of dry food for fish he also tastes. He picks up food from the bottom or catches it in the water column.

Breeding Schubert Barbus

Perhaps one of the easiest to breed fish. Before landing on spawning males and females are planted separately for about a week and abundantly fed. The spawning tank should be on thirty to fifty liters. It is better oblong. At the bottom should be laid separator mesh or small-leaved plants pressed with stones. The layer of water from the plants laid on the bottom to the water surface should be no more than eight to ten centimeters. Only in this case the eggs have a chance to get under the separator net or plants and survive. Otherwise, with a high probability they will be eaten by their parents before they reach the bottom.

The water should be fresh tap water that has been tempered. Fresh water is an additional stimulus for spawning. In the aquarium prepared in this way, two males and one female are placed in it from the evening. The water temperature is gradually increased to 25-28°C. The morning of the next day begins spawning, and last several hours. During this time, the female lays up to two hundred eggs. Immediately after spawning, the producers should be removed and replace one-fifth of the water with fresh water of the same temperature.

Let’s start feeding the fry

Incubation lasts about a day, and after another two days, the fry begin to swim and now they should be fed. As a starter feed suitable infusoria, crustacean nauplii, in extreme cases, suitable for dusted dry food. As the growth of fry should be transplanted to a larger aquarium and transfer to larger feed. We can say that breeding barbs Schubert matter is not very difficult.

As you can see, Schubert’s barb is really very simple, both in keeping and breeding. In particular, water preparation, even for spawning is actually only in sedimentation and bringing its temperature to the specified parameters. Decorate the aquarium with live plants along the back and side walls. Dark ground. A few snags, observing a reasonable measure. Overhead lighting. And Schubert’s barbs in an amount of seven to ten individuals. And from your underwater world will be difficult to tear your eyes away.

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