Hornwort submerged is distributed everywhere. It grows in standing and slow-flowing water. Perfectly adapted to aquarium conditions.
Latin: Ceratophyllum demersum
Synonyms: dark green, flooded.
Hornwort submerged description
The submerged cattail is a rootless plant that grows freely beneath the water surface. Sometimes it forms thread-like roots directed downward, but, as a rule, these roots do not play a significant role in the nutrition of the plant. The stem of the dark green hornwort is thin and very fragile. Can even in aquariums of small sizes to reach a length of one and a half – two meters. The stem is strongly branching. Leaves are six to twelve in a whorl. The color of the leaves is dark green, which is reflected in one of the names of hornwort immersed. The leaf is one to two needle-shaped. Something resembles horns, which is reflected in the name of not only the plant, but the whole family. Leaves form around the stem as if a green carved disk with a diameter of about four centimeters.
The hornwort submerged is a very unpretentious plant. Its environmental requirements are strongly determined by its origin. Species from colder areas can be used in ponds. Due to its unpretentiousness cattail dark green can be used to decorate both cold-water and tropical aquariums. Well, of course, in the general aquarium it also looks great. Water is preferably medium hardness, slightly alkaline. Temperature in aquarium conditions 20-30 ° C. The need for light is small, however, many authors point out that the duration of the daylight hours for it is desirable not less than 12 hours. But from direct sunlight cattail is better to hide.
Hornwort submerged as a natural filter
Hornwort submerged in the aquarium acts as a natural mechanical filter. On its leaves settle and retain the smallest suspended particles – food residues, dead plant parts, which can stay in the water column for a very long time, worsening its transparency. Therefore, it is desirable to rinse the hornwort from time to time under a stream of water.
In the aquarium, the hornwort can be planted in bunches of several twigs, or you can just throw a twig into the aquarium and it will grow quite quickly. Cornucopia immersed consumes nutrients with its entire surface. Its root system is practically undeveloped and does not play a big role in the nutrition of the plant. It does not need special feedings. Most plants from different biotopes have a pronounced seasonality of growth. In the spring, the plant grows, and in the fall fades. In aquariums are common cattail immersed in which the seasonality of growth is not expressed or expressed not significantly and with sufficient light and temperature, it grows all year round and pleases the eye.
Some authors point out that year-round growth with sufficient lighting and heating can be achieved from any cattail, regardless of its place of origin. But I have doubts about this statement, nature is difficult to deceive. Therefore, if you have in the fall cattail immersed will begin to wilt, then either you will have to wait until spring, or you should look for a copy of the plant, seasonality in the growth of which is not so strongly expressed.
Hornwort submerged is propagated vegetatively. Enough one small twig that after some time you have to thin out his thickets. But its ability to clean the water from suspended particles, saturate it with oxygen and original appearance make it desirable in any aquarium. It can also be a good shelter for fry of viviparous fish and a substrate for spawning of some spawning fish. For some fish, such as scalaria, vualekhvosti, mollinesia can serve and additional food. Although in winter it is better to avoid it.
Good luck with your design decisions.