The aquarium cabinet is not only a stand. It is a convenient place to place additional equipment, and a properly selected cabinet with an aquarium installed on it can become a highlight of the interior of your apartment.
Now, in the age of urbanization and growth of cities, people increasingly lack communication with wildlife, with the inhabitants of forests, fields and rivers. Therefore, everyone tries to create a small piece of nature at home. It can be indoor plants and animals. But city dwellers spend a lot of time out of the house, and for animals, such as dogs or, to a lesser extent, cats need care and walking them on the street. Therefore, more and more city dwellers have fish at home. After all, they do not need constant supervision, and modern industry offers a lot of devices that provide fish and regular feeding, and water purification, and saturating it with oxygen and regulating water temperature. And all this is placed in the aquarium.
Choosing a cabinet
When choosing an aquarium, you should immediately think about where it will stand and what its intended dimensions are. Why is this necessary? And it is necessary in order to correctly select the cabinet on which the aquarium will stand. If the aquarium is supposed to buy a large size, then the cabinet under it should be appropriate dimensions, capable of withstanding the weight of the aquarium itself, and the mass of water in it.
Choosing an aquarium and a cabinet under it, you can, of course, use and standard copies, composing from them a beautiful ensemble in tone with the rest of the interior of the room. But if nothing suitable can not be picked up, it is always possible to make this piece of furniture to order. Almost always at decent stores for the sale of all accessories and devices for the aquarium there are points where you can place an order for the manufacture of a cabinet under the aquarium on a special project. When drawing up a sketch for the future cabinet, you need to take into account in what style it will be made and whether it combines with the rest of the furniture.
A side table with a door or “coffee table”
Since all the equipment for the care of a large aquarium is mainly tried to be placed inside the cabinet, such as water purification compressors, oxygen enrichment systems, all kinds of filters, etc., it is necessary to provide a door with a secure lock if there are small children or animals in the house. In addition to the beautiful combination with the aquarium and the reliability of the design is an important factor and the material from which the surface will be made, directly in contact with the bottom of the aquarium.
It is better if it will be waterproof material, because when caring for the aquarium is almost inevitable water on the surface of the cabinet. If the cover of the cabinet made of chipboard, moisture can deform the surface, which can cause the entire aquarium to be skewed. This deformation can cause the aquarium to break down and become unusable.
Aquarium cabinet Materials
The material for the manufacture of bollards can be not only wood or chipboard boards, it can be and durable structures made of chrome-plated metal. The main thing is that it can withstand the weight of the aquarium with water, and for this often inside the nightstand installed stiffening ribs to strengthen the structure. Nightstands made of solid wood with the addition of chrome parts, or with inserts made in the style of stained glass, look original not only in the apartment, but in the formal environment of the office. The use of expensive materials in the manufacture of bollards under the aquarium, of course, increase the cost and the bollard itself, however, they guarantee excellent quality and respectable appearance of the finished product.
Democratized options
Bollards made of special artificial material can be considered more democratic in price. Plastic bollards are also quite durable, easy to maintain and are often used by interior designers, especially if they are finished with glass or metal decorations.
Today, an aquarium is often not only a place for fish to live, but also a decorative object. Modern industry offers a lot of different devices for their design, and the aquarium can be fully executed in any one style. For example, you can make it a piece of the sea floor with all its inherent attributes – sea pebbles, stars, mysterious underwater grottoes and even with scattered on the bottom of the wreckage of pirate ships and chests of gold. There are special lights that perfectly complement such, we can say, the work of designers on aquarium design. For such aquariums, of course, you need and a special cabinet, consonant with the design. To the already described version of the design of the aquarium, perhaps an excellent option will be a cabinet, stylized under a fragment of rock and a piece of the ship, as prompted by the customer’s imagination.
Aquarium cabinet. Where to put it?
A very fashionable option for installing an aquarium is now considered to be placing it in a niche made specially in the furniture wall. Such a composition is also decorated in the chosen theme and looks very original and stylish, and, most importantly – mysterious.
Sometimes small aquariums can be installed in a child’s room. Here, when choosing a cabinet for it, it is necessary in addition to the external attractive qualities of the product to take care of the safety of not only the child, but also the safety of the aquarium. Children are a nation of restless and hustling. Therefore, it is desirable that the cabinet did not have sharp corners, was very stable and durable. And also made of high-quality material, well exposed to frequent wet treatment with detergents. For quiet contemplation of the underwater world can be installed next to the aquarium chair or any other place to sit. Then you can sit quietly next to the aquarium, looking at the fish and other aquarium inhabitants, relax and unwind.